24hour 100LL Avgas, Sequim nearby vacation rentals, parking, rental cars, taxi, and list of other airport operators.
24 Hour 100LL AVgas
Self-serve, card reader accepts most major cards.
Nearby Lodging
Fly, drive, or bike or walk to lodging close to the airport.
Rental cars, taxi & limo service and parking.
Airport Operators
Home to more than just Sequim Valley Airport!
24 hour self service 100LL AVgas
Our 24 hour self service fuel tank card reader accepts most major credit cards and smart cards. The Airport’s fueling fueling concession is operated by Dungeness Aircraft Service and fuel supplier is Titan which provides Shell 100LL Avgas. Note: 100LL AVgas can be used in certain older cars as well.
Our most current price is listed on the “Home” page of this site and also reflected at the pump. Landing fee is waived with fuel purchase.
Sequim Valley Airport/ Dungeness Aircraft Service Fuel Cards: Would you like the convenience of a fuel credit card that will save you money? Apply for our fuel discount card to use on fuel purchased at Sequim Valley Airport and save $0.20 per gallon! It is our goal to build our fuel sales so we can lower prices to our customers. Supporting our efforts will have a long term effect on our ability to get you better prices. Like all things retail, volume is the way to lower prices. Having more gallons of fuel delivered will bring down the cost. With our card, an email invoice showing your monthly transaction details will be delivered to you. We accept bank checks or personal checks, sorry no credit cards. Fill out the form below, we will process it upon receipt and you will be able to pick up your fuel card at Sequim Valley Airport
Questions regarding our 24hour 100LL Avgas or gas cards can be directed to dungenessaircraftservice@gmail.com
Nearby Lodging
– Nearby off site cabin rentals:
Harvest Cottage 1 1/2 mile away
Harvest Cottage 2 1/2 mile away
The Tractor Shed 1 1/2 mile away
The Tractor Shed 2 1/2 mile away
Transportation, Bikes, Dining and Parking
Rental cars:

- Rental cars are available to pilots landing in Sequim through Budget in Port Angeles. Budget will pick you up at Sequim Valley Airport and bring you to the Port Angeles office (20 min drive) to complete paperwork. Cars can be returned to Sequim Valley Airport. Advance notice is required. Call (360) 452-4774 for more details.
Loaner Bicycles:
- Use is for fly-in pilots and Tiny House renters only
- Bikes (4) are located on airport office trailer porch
- First come / first serve. Please limit use to 3 hours
- All bike users must fill out waiver in office trailer and place waiver in adjacent lock box,
- Helmets are required and are located on the shelf inside behind counter
- The airport connects directly to Olympic Discovery Trail on the south side of the airport
- Restaurants and parks are 1.5 miles away on Olympic Discovery Trail
- Trail Maps and menus are located in the office trailer View bike trip video: https://youtu.be/_1iKpX3qp5I
Courtesy Car for Fly-In Pilots:
Transportation – Sequim Valley Airport has a 1996 Ford Crown Victoria Courtesy Car. This car is specifically for fly-in pilots. Email us at sequimairport@gmail.com at least 24 hours prior to reserve. We ask that a 2-hour limit to share with other visitors. All users need to fill out our insurance form and email a copy of the completed insurance form and copy of driver’s license to sequimairport@gmail.com or leave a copy in the office lock box before driving the Courtesy car. Download waiver form
Taxi & Limo Service:
- Sun Taxi: (360) 681-4090
- Seven Cedars Casino Shuttle (360) 683-7777
- Uber & Lyft (may be an option but service and availability is very limited)
Fly In and Dine – Nearby Restaurants (Some may deliver to the Airport):
- Old Mill Café (Breakfast /Lunch/ Dinner) open daily 2 miles (360) 582-1583
- Gabby’s Java (coffee / sandwiches) 2 miles (360) 683-8839
- The Old Post Office Sweets & Gifts (pies and soups) 2 miles (360) 681-8014
- Double Eagle Steakhouse / Stymies 2 miles (Breakfast / Lunch/ Dinner) daily (360) 683-3331
- Domino’s Pizza https://pizza.dominos.com/washington/sequim/ (360) 582-1600
- Westside Pizza https://www.westsidepizza.com/locations/sequim (360) 683-3100
- www.doordash.com
When ordering food, explain that you are located at the Airport Office Parking Lot. Airport Address: 468 Dorothy Hunt Lane, Sequim, WA 98382
Picnic tables are located on the west end of the T- hangars, grassy area west of the fuel tank and covered area by the office trailer. There is also a table with 4 chairs in the office trailer.
Pop & Cold Water:
- Soda pop and cold water are available inside the office trailer for $1.
Parking, Landing and Tie Downs Fees:

Air Taxi, Private Charters:
- There are no scheduled airline flights operating out of Sequim Valley Airport, however Rite Brothers Aviation (360) 452-6226 (based in Port Angeles) offers air taxi flights and charters out of Sequim Valley Airport.
Flight Instruction:
At this time, there is no flight school at Sequim Valley Airport. Please check with Rite Brothers Aviation in Port Angeles or Tailspin Tommy’s at Port Townsend for inquiries regarding flight instruction.
Other Airport Operators

Dungeness Aircraft Service
100LL Self-serve fuel partnering with Sequim Valley Airport and aircraft maintenance

Dream Catcher Balloon
A hot air balloon designed to give rides to everyone no matter who you are, including mobility challenged individuals.

Rite Bros. Aviation
Scenic flights of the Olympic Peninsula and chartered flights connecting you to destinations throughout Washington & Oregon.